The OIDC issuer as returned by the /auth_issuer API
id of this client as registered with the OP
redirectUri as registered with OP
Device ID of current session
idTokenClaims as returned from authorization grant used to validate tokens
oidcPromise which will complete once the OidcClient has been initialised and is ready to start refreshing tokens.
Will reject if the client initialisation fails.
Attempt token refresh using given refresh token
refresh token to use in request with token issuer
tokens - Promise that resolves with new access and refresh tokens
Persist the new tokens, called after tokens are successfully refreshed.
This function is intended to be overriden by the consumer when persistence is necessary.
new access token
refreshToken?: stringOPTIONAL new refresh token
Class responsible for refreshing OIDC access tokens
Client implementations will likely want to override persistTokens to persist tokens after successful refresh